Monday, March 25, 2013

Google Sketup Sketup self tutorial 2

I learned about the tools in google sketup. First i learned that the little icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it, is really the push and pull settings. Its very fasinating because you can pretty much push and pull anything on your design, thats on the google sketup. Next i learned about the pencil icon. Its pretty easy actually, all you have to do is draw i line and connect it somewhere. If i had to choose the easy tool to use on google google sketup, i would have to pick that particular tool because its very easy and handy. Next is the move tool. it looks like four arrows going north,south,east,west. its sorta like the push and pull tool but its not because with this tools you can move anything.Last was the paint app. This the most fun tool on google sketup, because it give a sence of creativity and design to the whole sketup. i learned alot about the tools of google sketup and i hope to learn more.

Google Final Project

Friday, March 1, 2013

Google Sketup Deign excersise 2

I learned alot about this google sketup assignment. Making houses is not easy. Its so much work, into to designing a house and making it on google sketup. You have to make the base of the house and start from ground up. Plus you have to chose the right angles and materials to make this house correct. This assignment was very interesting, and hard plus it toke a long time but i enjoyed it, kinda.