Friday, January 18, 2013

Good and Bad Design Reflection

I have learned alot from this blogging experience. Usually when i blog i would get on twitter, facebook, yahoo, or even facebook somtimes. But this blogging experience is different, it is way more complicated, and it requries to much time to figure it out. I learend that there are many other blogging site other than the ones i knew about. The key to having a good blog is keeping things simple, but yet have a little complex to it. Having to much stuff on your blog page could ruin it, and make it way harder to use than the norm. Before i read the Good and Bad Design article, i had to much stuff on my blogger. Now i reduce the designs and colors on it. It is much easier to navigate through my blogger now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My First Post

I learned alot about bloging. Although this is not my first blog, this is my first bloging from this website.Bloging is basicaly telling the world whats hapeening in your life. Or you can tell them what you are doing at the current time. you can also post pictures of yourself and/or of other people in your photo gallery. there are alot of bloging sites such as Twitter, Facebook, instagram, and so on. Some bloging site only let you use so many characters before you run out of space to blog in one post. Example: Twitter only let you use 140 characters but facebook let you use more than that on your post. Some bloging site are only meant for pictures and comments like instagram and cinemagram. Instagram let you post pictures and captions up under the picture, it also let you edit your photos. Welp thats it. Thanks for reading my blog, Ms.Nguyen. I hope I get an A+ on this assignment.

Wind Turbine

Last Semester, in Ms.Nguyen class we worked on wind turbines. First we watched several videos on wind turbines and how they work and function. Then we made a model of the turbin from paper. We had to first color the turbins to make it look neat and presentable. Next we cut all the parts out we needed to make the wind turbine.
Last but not least we had to configure and put together the wind turbin. Glueing and taping played a big part in making the paper wind turbin. It wasnt easy at all either, some parts would not stay on, other parts would not stay in place.For the most part the pieces would not work well with each other, so making the paper wind turbin was a big hassle. But in the end we finally got done with the turbin and tested it out to see how high the voltage got in the wind turbin.
I learned that wind turbins help make electricity. They are powed by the wind to move in a clock wise motion thus prouducing energy, that will be soon converted in electricty to help power up cities, home, etc.