Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Google sketup self tutorial 1


    I have learn that. 2D drawings are limited to the paper it is drawn on. Since the paper does'nt have alot of space, you cant draw much. You can auctually build a realistic model in 3-D. Its close to pulling your parer to reality. You can find ways a making 3-D models just by anylazing the aspect of 3-D modeling. Although it may be very hard, making a 3-D model you can acheive this goal by hard work and dedication. You can practice by drawing 3-D shapes. 2-D drawings constist of straight lines and having your drawings to be accurate. Orbital is not the use of moving or rotating the model. The model does not move. But the area around the model does. Orbit, zoom, and pan are use for navigation and it is called navigational tools. To work wwith this type of software you will have to get use to working on 3-D spaces on the computer.

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